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A conversation about last mile cycle connections

9 November 2018


We shook things up for this event and invited members to join us for breakfast and a conversation about last mile cycle connections in the Brisbane CBD. We were fortunate to be joined by Melissa and Chris Bruntlett from Modacity who were visiting several cities in Australia to share their knowledge and experience of building the bicycle city. It was interesting to hear their thoughts on what Brisbane is doing well and how we could improve, particularly in relation to last mile connections.


There were plenty of opinions and suggestions from all who attended and the input will be useful in future feedback and opportunities for involvement that we might have in relation to this issue. In recent times there have been some positive changes for the CBD, like the reduced speed limit on Ann St, and we look forward to further improvements that will help pedestrians and cyclists access the CBD more effectively and safely.


Thanks to everyone who attended and to PSA for hosting this event.


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