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Draft Transport Plan for Brisbane – Strategic Directions

6 February 2018


On 6 Feb 2018, PedBikeTrans, in conjunction with AITPM and Engineers Australia, hosted an information session where Lindsay Enright provided an overview of the Draft Transport Plan for Brisbane – Strategic Directions.


The plan acknowledges the achievements made since the release of the Transport Plan for Brisbane 2008-2026 — and aligns with other documents such as Connecting SEQ 2031 and Brisbane Vision 2031 — but recognises that a new transport plan for Brisbane is needed to address current challenges and opportunities such as climate change and an aging population. The result is a strategic framework that will guide how transport is developed in Brisbane over the next 25 plus years.


Structured around 4 themes and underpinned by 10 principles, the plan provides 14 community outcomes and 76 transport directions. An example outcome is, ‘Brisbane residents have improved health and wellbeing through greater use of walking and cycling to access work, education and services’; and direction no. 16: ‘Provide improved wayfinding and transport identification signage...’ (no. 16). The plan does not provide targets or specific initiatives but provides a framework against which projects should be assessed.


The following are some of the key messages delivered by Lindsay and made clearly in the plan:

  • The importance of active and public transport to meet future transport needs particularly in the inner 5km where they should dominate

  • Reducing private vehicle use and creating more liveable streets with pedestrian access

  • Providing mode separation where possible

  • Harnessing innovation and partnerships

  • The links between transport and public health and social justice outcomes

  • Focusing on end-to-end trips for active and public transport

  • Working towards 24hr transport

  • Managing congestion

  • Vertical (hierarchy) and horizontal (modes) transport integration

  • Attracting more local walking and cycling trips in suburban areas and the likely use of Local Area Traffic Management interventions to assist

  • Acknowledgement of the whole transport system and commutes from outside the LGA

Judging by the level of interest in the event, which was a sell-out, the future transport needs of Brisbane are a hot topic and there was much to celebrate and look forward to in the plan.

You can provide feedback on the draft plan until 30 March 2018 and then the final plan will be released later this year.


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